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92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

How it works?

1) The worship is held for one hour and comprised of three worship teams selected from three individual churches monthly. Two speakers will provide sermon based on a preset theme and one testimony on the open microphone will be given for that month’s session.  Themes inspired by God for events will be created and provided to teams in advance to allow worship team preparation.

2)  Once the monthly theme is selected and the worship team is chosen, the church venue is announced.  Rotating monthly venues will be used from the participating congregations to allow all members to meet, interact, familiarize and collaborate with other churches.

3) Every month one church is selected and assigned a month they will host. `

4) Twelve churches will be selected yearly to host the monthly events and assigned a month based on location and available worship times and formats. Churches will fall into regions categorized by North, South, East and West quadrants of town.

5) This model brings the entire community of believers together as one in worship, fulfilling his guidance of: “Worship Him in Spirit and in Truth!”